The children in Year 1 found some wrapped presents in their classroom today when they came back from lunch, The presents had a note attached to them:
What’s inside the box, you ask Why, this is your special task! A toy, a toy for you to find But remember, you’ll have to use your mind!

Unit Summary
Toys come in many shapes and sizes. They are made of different materials but all are designed for us to have fun with, to learn new skills and to exercise our bodies and our imagination.
It was hard not to get over excitement when opening the boxes! What could possibly be in them?

Explaining the Theme
In History, Year 1 be finding out:
About toys and games from the past
How to decide if a toy is new or old
How to create our own toy museum
How we can learn about the past in different ways
In Science, Year 1 be finding out:
How to sort toys based on what they are made out of
Which materials can be bent, squashed, twisted or stretched
What materials are best for making a bath toy
About pushes and pulls, and how things move
In Technology, Year 1 be finding out:
About ‘magic’ toys that fool our eyes
How to design and make our own board game
How to design and make our own puppets
In Physical Education, Year 1 be finding out:
About how different toys move
How to attack and defend
In ICT & Computing, Year 1 be finding out:
How to make our own space-themed computer game
In International, Year 1 be finding out:
About a popular game from another country and teaching others to play it