Admission Policy
Birralee International School Trondheim admits children by application. The deadline for application for the following school year is February 1st. Children can be admitted during the school year if necessary and/or possible.
Birralee International School Trondheim admits children from Norway and from abroad. It is open to all children who fulfil the criteria to be enrolled in Norwegian Public schools.
The Board has set the maximum numbers of students in the school to 290. The students shall be divided as equally as possible between the different classes.
Main Admission
The deadline for application for the following school year is February 1st. We ask parents of children already in the school to confirm their place in March to aid planning for the new school year. All applications received by February 1st with a desired starting date of August/September are considered.
In case of over subscription the school’s admission criteria are used. Our admission criteria reflect our mission statement to provide an English speaking education for international children moving to or living in Trondheim.
1) children of Norwegian or foreign origin with English as a first language
2) international mobile children who transfer directly from an international/English speaking school abroad
3) children of Norwegian or foreign origin with English as a second language
4) siblings of children who are attending the school
5) children transferring directly from Birralee International Kindergarten
6) other children
If applicants under consideration have equal priority on all criteria a draw will be held to determine allocation of the available places. If places are not available, we will keep applications on file for the remainder of the school year parents have applied for. Parents will have to apply again for the next school year.
The Main Admission is concluded when decision letters about the new school year are sent out to all applicants in February. The school reserves the right to save up to 10 places for children meeting Admission Criteria 1 or 2, who were not able to apply before the Main Admission deadline of February 1st.
Additional Admission
An additional admission will take place after the Main Admission is concluded and places are still available or have become available. The school reserves the right to save up to 10 places for children meeting Admission Criteria 1 or 2.
All applications which are on file at the time, will be considered for an additional admission. In the case of over subscription, the school’s admission criteria are used:
1) children of Norwegian or foreign origin with English as a first language
2) international mobile children who transfer directly from an international/English speaking school abroad
3) children of Norwegian or foreign origin with English as a second language
4) siblings of children who are attending the school
5) children transferring directly from Birralee International Kindergarten
6) other children
If applicants under consideration have equal priority on all criteria a draw will be held to determine allocation of the available places.
The Principal and the Vice Principal make the ultimate decisions about admittance to the school in accordance with Norwegian law (The Public Administration Act). Complaints about admission decisions can be made to the County Governor “Statsforvalteren i Trøndelag”.
Parents confirm the offer of place at Birralee International School Trondheim by signing and returning the acceptance papers within the deadline given in the offer (normally ten days).
Upon acceptance of a place, we ask you to pay two months school fees as an advance payment. This will be used to cover the first two months of school fees for your child. A child’s place at Birralee is not guaranteed before the advanced payment is received.
On admittance children are placed in their appropriate year group according to the same criteria as used in the Norwegian Public school. This makes the transition between schools within Norway easier. Parents and the school may apply to Trondheim Kommune, Oppvekstkontoret, for a delayed or an early school start.
Notification of the withdrawal of a child must be given in writing two full months in advance.
Students may be transferred to a public school when circumstances dictate that this would be advantageous to the child and/or other children in accordance with the terms of the Act of Private Schools.
Non-payment of fees could result in losing the place at Birralee International School as outlined in the school’s Terms and Conditions.
Last updated 25.10.2023 (Board Decision 79/23).
Useful links: breakdown of admission criteria