Our Parents Community
At Birralee, our Parents' Community is an integrated part of who we are and there is a strong sense of community between our parents. Our Parents Committee organise many activities to make new parents feel welcome.
Examples of activities organised by the Parents Committy in the past are: Christmas Fair, Family Ski Day, International Dinner, Jumble Sale, Teacher Appreciation Lunch, School Jumper Sales, Christmas Ball, Valentine’s Party, Halloween Party, Spring Fair and Summer Picnic.
Who are our Parents?
All our parents value education and are engaged in their child's schooling.
Our parents work in a variety of fields and organisations across the city. Many of our parents are connected to the research community in Trondheim.

Cooperating with Parents
We believe that the relationship between home and school is critical in building a successful partnership. We have several tools in place to communicate with parents regularly:
Weekly Class Plan: Your primary source of information which includes up-to-date information on school activities, events, practical issues and more.
News updates on the website to keep you informed about school life at Birralee in general
School Reports: Academic Reports and Assessments are shared regularly by your child's teachers
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences: You will meet with your child's teachers twice per year to discuss your child's academic and social progress.
Digital Platforms: Birralee uses Classroom, a platform that enables teachers to interact with students and share educational materials digitally.
Entry and Exit Points: visit the classroom and join us in celebrating your child's progress during your child's Entry and Exit Points.
Through our social media channels, we endeavour to make the most of every opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning.
What parents say

At Birralee, my children have grown up and developed in a nurturing environment that encourages respect for individuals and celebrates diversity.

Exceptionally good teachers and helpful staff, I am incredibly happy with the school, my son feels happy and settled, I would really recommend Birralee International School.
A safe learning environment with a high quality curriculum.

We’re so glad to have chosen Birralee International School for our daughter. A positive learning atmosphere, we look forward to coming back in the future!