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ASP Terms and Conditions


ASP By-laws / Vedtekter



1. Purpose
The Birralee After School Program (ASP) provides care, supervision and activities outside the regular school hours for children from Year 1 to Year 4 in a caring environment. ASP will facilitate play and cultural and recreational activities. These are based on the children’s age and interests. Children with special needs will be given opportunities for development.


2. Ownership
The Birralee After School Program (ASP) is run by Birralee International School Trondheim AS on the premises of Birralee International School Trondheim AS.


3. Rooms Available
ASP has its own base which is adapted to its needs. In addition, the playground, gym, music room and other rooms are used. ASP’s play areas and other areas are a minimum of four square meters per child.


4. Admission – Withdrawal
The Principal makes the final decision about admission. All Birralee children in Year 1 – Year 4 are guaranteed a place in ASP  from the 1st of the month after they have applied.

Notice of withdrawal for ASP must be given in writing. Payment is expected for the month that the withdrawal is received, plus for the whole next month. The withdrawal should be sent to the Birralee office who will notify Trondheim Kommune’s Oppvekstkontoret.


Non-payment of school and/or ASP -fees will result in the child losing his/her place at Birralee. A child will automatically lose his/her place at ASP if he/she is no longer attending Birralee International School Trondheim.


5. Fees

5.1  Ordinary ASP
For Year 1 and Year 2 students (from August 2023)
- Part time place (up to 12 hours per week): Free 
The part time places can be used on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays during school holidays when ASP is open. 
- Full time place (over 12 hours per week): 511 NOK per month


For Year 3-4 students: 
Full time place: 2.556 NOK per month 


5.2 ASP Clip Card 10x

An ASP Clip Card is available for 1.300 NOK. This allows students to attend ASP on regular school days (14:30-16:30) on ten different occasions. The clip card is valid for 12 months (provided that the child is still of ASP age, e.g. in Year 4).


5.3. ASP Holiday Club – supplementary places  

The school has the possibility to sell the remaining available places for ASP Holiday Club to children who are normally not signed up for ASP. The school will decide on the number of places available prior to each holiday as well as on the fee.


6. Opening Hours
ASP is open Monday – Friday from 07.30 to 16.30. ASP is open every school day and during most school holidays. It is closed in July, during the Christmas and Easter Holiday, on all Bank Holidays and for the five scheduled Staff Planning Days.


7. Staffing
The Principal has the overall administrative and pedagogical responsibility for ASP. ASP has its own leader. Staffing levels will depend on the number of children present, the children’s ages, and the possible need for special extra support for individual children or groups. Generally, there will be no more than 15 children per adult.


8. Collecting
If your child will be picked up by someone other than authorized parents/guardians, we must be informed in writing. ASP can not accept verbal messages from children. If children plan to go home from school from friends, this must be arranged in advance between parents. Parents need to deliver a schedule for their children, providing ASP with the times that their child will be joining ASP.


9. Messages from ASP
ASP will take advantage of children’s message books when we want to send messages home. In case of emergencies or illness, parents will be phoned.


​10. Variations
The terms and conditions may be changed by the School. If changes are made, notice will be given.

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