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Terms and Conditions


Last updated: 04.03.2020 (Board Decision 17/20)


1. Introduction

We are very pleased that you have decided to send your child to Birralee International School Trondheim. We look forward to working with you and your child. We are aiming to provide a caring, safe and stimulating environment in which your child’s academic potential and social needs can be met. The following information is intended to help you gain a clear understanding of the ways in which the School works. This document is part of the contract we make with you. Further information is provided in the Parents Handbook that will be given to you at the start of the School Year. This handbook includes our Behaviour and Anti-bullying policies.


2. Education provided by the school

2.1 Curriculum
We use a curriculum and teaching strategies designed to bring the best out of each child. The curriculum is outlined in the Prospectus and in the Parents Handbook. However, the curriculum is not part of the agreement between Birralee and the parents. We reserve the right to make changes to the curriculum if the teaching staff consider these necessary. We will give parents notice of any major changes.


2.2 Religion
Birralee International School does not actively promote any religion. The main Christian festivals are celebrated along with other religious festivals. The key features about the main world religions are taught. We welcome children of any faith.


2.3 Expectations of parents
We like to work closely with parents to ensure we can help to fulfil each child’s potential and to meet his/her needs. Therefore, we expect parents to:

  • Meet regularly with teaching staff by attending parent conferences and meetings arranged by the School, your child’s main teacher and/or class parent representatives.

  • Participate in our reading programme and help and support your child with homework.

  • Take the advice of teaching staff regarding your child’s progress at school, including any
    recommendations to test for learning difficulties, ascertain special educational needs or invite the involvement of external agencies.

Our home – school cooperation is described in more detail in the Parents Handbook.


2.4 Special educational needs
The school will do its best to cater for the individual needs of the children. Children may receive help from Trondheim City Council if they have special educational needs. The school, the parents and any outside agencies will work together to create the best possibilities for the child.


3. General conduct


3.1 School dress and equipment
The School provides exercise books, textbooks, reading books, workbooks, paper, craft materials and access to pens, pencils and other basic equipment. Parents are expected to send their children to school neatly and appropriately dressed and with appropriate clothing for outdoor play and indoor gym. The Parents Handbook gives further details.


3.2 Electronic equipment on School premises
Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not to be used in school, either for calls or text messages. If you need to contact your child during the day, please do this through the School Office. Children may use the school telephone to make contact with a parent. The school will provide the students with electronic devices (iPads, Chromebooks, Notebook, MacBooks etc.) when required for learning.

4. Behaviour


4.1 School environment
We make every effort to ensure that the environment at Birralee lives up to the meaning of the School name, which is “a safe place for children”. The school adheres to the Norwegian Act of Education § 9a. We work hard to encourage children to take care of each other and to work together in positive and socially responsible ways. However, in any community difficulties may occur from time to time. We therefore ask you to inform us immediately of any concerns you have about the safety, care, discipline or progress of your child and in particular of any instances of bullying.


4.2 Behaviour policy
We seek to create a positive and caring atmosphere within the school and to work actively with parents to ensure good behaviour in our children. The School’s Behaviour Policy is provided in the Parents Handbook and our home – school cooperation is described. We expect that all children will abide by the school rules that have been agreed by the Board, the teaching staff and the students. These will be addressed with the children at the start of each school ear.

We expect parents to:

  • support the School’s implementation of the behaviour policy

  • ensure their child attends School punctually and is collected from School promptly

  • inform us of circumstances such as serious illness, accidents, death, separation or divorce that may affect the child’s behaviour in School

  • inform us of behaviour difficulties you may be experiencing with your child at home

  • inform us promptly about your child’s health and any absences arising from this

  • agree to reasonable physical contact with their child to restrain or comfort him/her.

4.3 Removal and exclusion of a child
A child may be excluded from School following a discussion with the parents if the school considers that the removal is in the best interest of your child, the School and/or other children. This will be done in accordance with the our Behaviour Policy and the Norwegian Act of Free Schools (Friskolelova).

4.4 Drugs and Alcohol
Children may not bring alcoholic drinks, tobacco products or any other drugs to School or on a school supervised activity.


5. Long-term absence

5.1 Holidays in term time (up to two weeks)
We encourage families to not take holidays during term time. This can be very disruptive to a child’s education. We undertake to publish holiday dates and other dates when the school is closed well in advance so that holidays can be planned. If you wish to remove your child from school during term time you must:-

  • apply to the Principal in writing as far in advance as possible for leaves;

  • understand that you are responsible for your child’s education during his/her absence;

  • understand that fees must be paid while the child is absent;

  • note that the Principal reserves the right to refuse the application.

5.2 Absence for other reasons (up to two weeks)
Sometimes children need to be absent from school for reasons other than holidays. In this case you

  • apply to the Principal in writing as far in advance as possible for leaves;

  • understand that you are responsible for your child’s education during his/her absence;

  • understand that fees must be paid while the child is absent;

  • note that the Principal reserves the right to refuse the application.


5.3 Leaves for more than two weeks
Please note that in Norway a Principal is only permitted to grant a leave for up to two weeks. For longer leaves, the child will have to be taken off the roll. Parents can reapply for a place for their child.


6. Consent

We seek your consent for your child’s occasional participation in events occurring in the wider community around the School. You agree to the following without further consent being sought:-

  • your child taking part in trips in Trondheim and the locality for outdoor activities, research and to attend arts events such as exhibitions, concerts, the cinema and the theatre

  • your child making short, unsupervised visits to local amenities to support their learning (Year 6 – Year 10)

  • distribution of a class list including the child’s name, his/her parents / guardians names, home address, work and home telephone numbers to everyone in the class


If you do not consent to one or more of these, please indicate this in writing to the Principal with your registration.

7. Welfare, confidentiality and insurance


7.1 Urgent medical care
If your child requires urgent medical attention while at school, every effort will be made to contact you. If we are unable to contact you, a decision will be made on your behalf should consent be required for urgent treatment recommended by a doctor. You must tell us on the child’s health information form if your child has a medical condition which may require such treatment. The School Office must receive this form before the child starts at Birralee International School Trondheim. Please inform us of any new telephone numbers or changes to your work and home addresses. This is important to keep our files up to date in case of emergency.


7.2 Court orders
The Principal must be notified immediately in writing of any court order relating to your child. It may be necessary in exceptional circumstances for the Principal to advise a parent that s/he may not be present on the School premises if this is in a child’s or the School’s best interests.


7.3 Other agencies
Please inform the Principal in writing if your child is under the care of external agencies, for example, social workers (barnevern) and educational psychologists (PPT).


7.4 The child’s welfare off school premises
We do not have any responsibility for your child’s welfare off the School premises when not taking part in a school activity. Also, we do not have any responsibility for your child’s welfare after the end of the School day.


7.5 Insurance
The School has insurance for all children while at School or on School-supervised activities. However, this does not extend to cover personal property. The School does not have any liability for loss or damage to personal property while at School or on School-supervised activities. We advise parents to insure their child’s personal property. Parents/Guardians are responsible for their child’s loss of school property and/or damage to school property and equipment.


7.6 Confidentiality and references
We will regard any information provided by you about your child and your family’s circumstances as confidential. Children’s records will be kept secure. You agree to inform us of any applications made to other educational establishments.


8. Finances

8.1 Advance Payment
Upon acceptance of a place, we ask you to pay one month of fees as an Advance Payment.  This will be used to cover the first month of school fees for your child.

8.2 Withdrawal
Two month’s notice of withdrawal, effective from the first of the month, must be given in writing to the Principal. Failure to give this will result in fees being charged in lieu.

8.3 School fees
School fees are payable monthly in advance. A table showing the current fees is available on the website or from the School Office.


8.5 Unpaid fees
If a monthly fee remains outstanding, a reminder is sent. If the fee is still outstanding, a second reminder is sent before the debt is transferred to a debt collecting agency. Ultimately non-payment of fees will result in your child losing his/her place. We reserve the right to charge interest on outstanding fees in accordance with the late payment interest act.


8.6 Right to change your mind

In the first 14 days after you have accepted a place you can withdraw your child with no fee being charged. This is only applicable if your child has not yet started school (Angrerettloven).


9. Other points

9.1 Proper Law and Forum
Your child’s stay at Birralee is governed by Norwegian Law. The contract formed between Birralee International School and parents (of which this terms and conditions document forms a part) is governed by Norwegian Law.

9.2 Variations
The terms and conditions may be varied by the School. If changes are made, notice will be given.

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