Practical Information
We have many activities planned, so we kindly ask you to be at school by 09:00. We aim to be back at school by 15:00 every daty. In addition to the planned activities, of which some are optional, we will also facilitate free play.
Please bring clothing for all kinds of weather.
Please remember to apply sunscreen on sunny days.
Please bring a packed lunch every day (similar to school days). We will be eating around 11:00 (lunch) and 14:00 (snack).
ASP Phone number: 47 97 00 86
Thanks to the support of Trondheim Kulturskolen and Den Kulturelle Skolesekken, we are able to offer several workshops and a theatre performance during the autumn holiday for students in Year 1 to Year 4.
All activities are lead by professional teachers from Trondheim Kommune's Kulturskolen and will take place at Birralee.
Tuesday - Folk Dancing
Wednesday - Visual Art Workshop
Thursday - Indian Dance Workshop
Friday - Trufilotten Theatre Show
