Dear Birralee Families,
Today we welcomed our new teachers during our Planning Day. During the planning day, the teams met to prepare for the 2021/2022 academic year. We are all very excited about the new year and we look forward to welcoming all of our new and current students in August.
Please find the overview of the Class Teachers below:
Year 1 - Mrs Heise and Miss Keep
Year 2- Miss Utstrand, Mrs Emberson, Mrs Haldenby and Mrs Ingram
Year 3 - Mrs Borsick, Miss Solbakken and Ms Voges
Year 4 - Mrs Cramp, Miss Jones and Miss Charlson
Year 5 - Mrs Nordmark and Mr Bailey
Year 6 - Mr Heise and Miss Wikan
Year 7 - Ms Di Camillo and Mrs Loe
Year 8 - Mr Pearson and Mrs Loe
Year p - Mrs Castanedo and Miss Eggen
Year 10 - Mr Santos and Miss Eggen