Norway has canceled all written exams at Middle School and High School level this year for students who are following the Norwegian National Curriculum (Kunnskapsløftet 2020). Students who follow international curricula are currently subject to the requirements set by the international curriculum they are following.
At Birralee, students take Cambridge IGCSE exams at the end of Year 10. Cambridge works in 160 countries, with schools in different situations and facing different challenges to each other. Cambridge stated on 5th February that they continue to plan for exams to go ahead in June 2021 where it is permitted and safe.
As our students have had relatively little disruption to their education, compared to other parts of the world, we are of the opinion - at this point in time - that they will be ready for this.
Preparing for exams and taking exams is also a valuable learning experience in itself. The experience of sitting exams will benefit our students later in life, both during the rest of their academic journey as well as during their professional career.
At Birralee, all students take written Cambridge IGCSE exams in Mathematics and English Language.
They have the option to participate in an exam in the following subjects: Combined Science, History, Global Perspectives, Physical Education, English Literature, Spanish Foreign Language, Computer Science, Art & Design, Design & Technology and Music.
Similar to Norwegian Schools, our students also receive a teacher assessed grade in each subject. More information about our Cambridge IGCSE can be found here: