Transportation - Free School Bus Card
Please use the form below if you would like to apply for a school bus card for your child based on the walking distance between your child's home and school. Applications based on other grounds should be send to the school in the form of a letter.
According to Norwegian Law (Act of Private Schools § 7-3), students in Year 2 (2.trinn) and up (barne-og ungdomsskole) are entitled to transportation to and from school if they live more than 4 km away from school. For children in Year 1 (1. trinn) the required distance is 2 km.
Parents can apply for other means of transportation if they are of the opinion that this student bus card is not sufficient in their situation. This request in the form of a letter can be sent to the school. We will then forward it to Sør Trøndelag Fylkeskommune who will make the decision
Parents can also apply for free transportation if they are of the opinion that the road to school is too dangerous or difficult for their child to walk. This request in the form of a letter can be sent to the school. We will then forward it to Trondheim Kommune who will decide if the circumstances justify free transportation for the student. Please note that this request is only granted by Trondheim Kommune in very special cases as the roads around Birralee are considered safe and manageable by Trondheim Kommune.