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Quarantine Year XX

Date XX - Date XX

Updated: XX


Dear Year X families,


Your child in Year X/ASP has been in contact with a person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19. This message is notification that your child is quarantined according to the Covid-19 regulations for 10 days after the last contact with the person, which means that you are quarantined up to and including XXXX.​


This means staying home and avoiding contact with others. If your child is under the age of 15, they can be with their normal household. However, your child should not go to the shops, school or take public transport. They cannot meet with other children from the school cohort who are also in quarantine. See "Advice for those who will be in quarantine" on FHI's website.​


We ask that your child take a test around XXXX, even if they have no symptoms. If your child has already taken a test and this was negative, we ask that your child takes a new test. You can book an appointment for testing via

the municipality's website.


The quarantine obligation applies even if your child is symptom-free and feels well, and it is important that your child completes the quarantine even if they test negative.


If your child has or develops new symptoms such as a fever, cough, wheezing, headache, lethargy, decreased sense of smell or taste, muscle aches or sore throat, they should take a new test and isolate, and the rest of the household should be quarantined.

If someone else in your household gets symptoms, they must also be quarantined and tested.


If you have any questions, please contact the Infection Control Office in Trondheim municipality, tel. 90509052.

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Karantene Year XX

Date XX - Date XX

Du som elev ved har vært i kontakt med en person som har fått påvist covid-19. Du er med denne melding pålagt karantene etter covid-19-forskriften i 10 døgn etter siste kontakt med personen, det betyr at du har karantene til og med XXXX.


Det betyr at du skal holde deg hjemme og unngå kontakt med andre. Er du barn under 15 år kan du omgås andre som du bor sammen med som normalt. Du skal ikke gå i butikker, på jobb, på kole/barnehage eller ta offentlig transport. Du kan ikke omgås andre i din skole- eller barnehagekohort som også er i karantene. Se “Råd til de som skal være i karantene” på FHI sine nettsider.


Vi ber om at du tar en test rundt XXXX, selv om du ikke har symptomer. Hvis du allerede har tatt en test og denne var negativ, ber vi deg om at du tar en ny test. Du bestiller time for testing via kommunens nettside.


Karanteneplikten gjelder selv om du er symptomfri og føler deg frisk, og det er viktig at du fullfører karantenen selv om du tester negativt.


Hvis du har/får nyoppståtte symptomer som feber, hoste, tungpustethet, hodepine, slapphet, nedsatt lukt- eller smakssans, muskelverk eller sår hals skal du ta ny test og isolere deg, og resten av husstanden skal i karantene.


Hvis noen andre i husstanden din får symptomer, må de også i karantene og teste seg. Ved spørsmål ber vi deg ta kontakt med Smittevernkontoret i Trondheim kommune, tlf. 90509052.


Useful Links

More information from Birralee regarding Infection Control Measures during the Covid-19 Pandemic can be found on our special Covid-19 page


The latest advise and information in English from the Norwegian Health Authorities on the Coronavirus disease.


The latest advise in English from Trondheim Municipality regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19) situation.

Guide and Routines related  to infection
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