Traffic safety is a priority at our school to ensure the well-being of students, staff and parents. The area around our school is a busy area in the morning and we will all need to work together to help keep our school area as safe as possible.
We therefore urge all parents to follow these safety guidelines to help keep our school area safe:
Always drop off and pick up your child in designated areas, if possible away from the traffic congestion at Bispegata during rush hour. Please consider, especially for older students, to let them out of the car in other areas (for example: Leuthenhavn) instead of taxiing them all the way to school’s front door.
Avoid double parking or stopping in no-parking zones as it can create hazards for other pedestrians and drivers.
Remind your child to use crosswalks and to wait for the green light when applicable. Please also encourage them to look both ways before crossing the street (even when the light is green!) and to avoid distractions such as using electronic devices while walking.
Be patient and courteous while navigating the traffic in and around the school area. Avoid aggressive driving behaviours that can jeopardize the safety of others. Be aware of cyclist who use the cycle lanes in Bispegate. We have witnessed a few near-misses there with parents pulling out in a hurry.
Consider carpooling or using alternative modes of transportation, such as the bus, biking or walking, to reduce the number of vehicles around the school area during peak times.
By working together and following these safety guidelines, we can create a safer environment for our school community. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to traffic safety.
Please remind your children that not all cars stop for the red light. Picture taken at Prinsen Kino at an earlier occassion.