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Year 2 - Students and Staff in Quarantine (Update)

Writer's picture: Mr WilcoMr Wilco

Dear Birralee Families,

We have now received further information and instructions from Smittevernkontoret Trondheim kommune. It has been confirmed that one child in Year 2 has tested positive and in addition, there is also now a confirmed positive case in the Kindergarten. This means that in addition to our Year 2 students, all students who have siblings either in Birralee Kindergarten or in Year 2 will now be in quarantine.

Please find below the information we have sent to our Year 2 families.

Dear Parents/Guardians with children in Year 2,

We are writing to let you know that we have been informed that the person in Year 2 that your child may have been in contact with on Thursday or Friday (June 3-4) has tested positive. There is now also a confirmed positive case in Birralee Kindergarten.

This means:

  • Your child (Year 2) and the rest of your household (parents, siblings) are all in quarantine now.

  • Your child should take a test on day 7, even if they do not have symptoms.

  • Digital Home Learning will continue. More information about this will follow from the teachers in due course.

Please find below more information in English and Norwegian from the Infection Control Office in Trondheim Municipality.

English Version - Message from The infection Control Office in Trondheim Municipality:

To students and staff in Year 2 at Birralee international School Trondheim

If you've been to Birralee International School June 3 or June 4, then you may have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with covid-19.

With this message, you are quarantined in accordance with the covid-19 regulations. This means that you should stay at home and avoid contact with others outside the household. Adults should keep their distance from other adults in the household. See "Advice for those who are to be quarantined."

We ask that you get a test on day 7 (if you were at school on June 4, day 7 will be on June 11), even if you don't have symptoms. You can book an appointment for testing via electronic registration via the municipality's website. Call the corona telephone 9050 9052 if you have problems ordering.

The quarantine obligation applies even if you are symptom-free and feel well. Household members must be quarantined until the negative result of the corona test. If you test negative on day 7, your quarantine is over.

If you or household members develop symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, headache, lethargy, decreased sense of smell or taste, muscle aches or sore throat, please contact the corona telephone, tel. 9050 9052 for advice.

With kind regards The infection control office in Trondheim municipality

Norwegian Version

Til elever og ansatte på Birralee International School 2. trinn

Dersom du har vært på Birralee International School 3-4. juni kan du ha vært i kontakt med en som har fått påvist covid-19.

Du er med denne sms pålagt karantene etter covid-19-forskriften. Det betyr at du skal holde deg hjemme og unngå kontakt med andre utenfor husstanden. Voksne skal holde avstand til andre voksne i husstanden. Se “Råd til de som skal være i karantene.”

Vi ber om at du settes opp til test på dag 7 (dersom du sist var på skolen 04.06 blir dag 7 dato 11.06), også selv om du ikke har symptomer. Du bestiller time for testing via elektronisk påmelding via kommunens nettside. Ring koronatelefonen 9050 9052 dersom du får problemer med å bestille.

Karanteneplikten gjelder selv om du er symptomfri og føler deg frisk. Husstandsmedlemmer skal være i karantene til negativt svar på koronatest. Dersom du tester negativt på dag 7 kan også du komme ut av karantene.

Hvis du eller husstandsmedlemmer får nyoppståtte symptomer som feber, hoste, tungpustethet, hodepine, slapphet, nedsatt lukt- eller smakssans, muskelverk eller sår hals ber vi deg ta kontakt med koronatelefonen, tlf. 9050 9052 for rådgivning.

Med vennlig hilsen

Smittevernkontoret i Trondheim kommune

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